Sunday, 11 September 2011

More watercolour sketches

Been inspired by the drawings of Henry Moore and Giacometti lately. Had a go at applying a hybrid of their's and my style to WW1 figures. Quite pleased with the result.In the painting of the German figures, the foreground figure was worked in graphite and linseed oil to begin with then painted over. I like the dirty look this gives the figure. Would you know the figure to the rear was just painted without any graphite? Currently working on another version of the same scene but I've worked a lot more into it at the carbon paper stage.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

A few ship sketches

At some point I'll enlarge these onto canvas board or MDF so I can work on them vertically. I want to have paint dripping down these in large runs. I can see these painted in black oil or acrylic initially and then have very runny acrylic sloshed over them. I say at some point, it's taken me about three weeks to get the Iowa ship drawing done on A1 paper. I'll see how it goes working watercolour over this during the week.

Graphite, linseed oil and watercolour

Graphite, linseed oil and watercolour

Graphite, linseed oil and watercolour

Small Iowa
Graphite, linseed oil and watercolour

Large Iowa
Graphite stick and linseed oil