Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Chain of Command?

I can't be the only one who doesn't entirely believe the rehetoric coming out of Pyongyang has come solely from the mouth of Kim Jong Un. Surely one man can't be so naive as to where his exclamations are going to lead. Where does he go now that he has stated North Korea are at war with the South? Who is pulling his strings?



Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Global Influence

Some variations on the theme of the global grenade first posted yesterday


Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Foreign Policy


Just how far are Western governments willing to intervene in the affairs of other sovereign states? What will  the legacy of British involvement in Syria be? Will the arming of the  opposition to the Syrian regime bring about the desired effect?

'The West's Sphere of Influence'

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wall of Silence (study)

Wall of Silence (study)
East German military shoulder boards, latex and silver leaf on board
Wall of Silence (detail)
A study for what will hopefully be a bigger piece to commemorate the 136 people who died trying to cross the Berlin Wall. The title refers to the fact the majority of the deaths weren't investigated although in some cases the East German policemen/military involved were charged with murder.
The DDR shoulder boards are the perfect shape for gravestones. I may develop the idea of the crosses on the graves into symbols highlighting the different ways the people died such as being shot or drowning. It's a sensitive issue as there were several children amongst the victims.
I have in mind something to commemorate the first and last deaths which were both linked to their victims falling from heights but in quite different circumstances.

Swing-Wing Low

Swing-Wing Low

3 Model Tornadoes, Model soldiers, silverleaf and spray paint.

An incursion into my memories of the 1980s and the Cold War inspired by the work of photo montage artist, Peter Kennard. I was originally going to leave it as a coffin made of Tornado parts but I think adding the wings and nose makes it much more visually interesting. These are all the same Tornado but I would like to make a framed piece consisting of three planes in formation, maybe two Torndaoes and  Harrier which to me are all symbols of that time when we didn't know if the planes we could see high up in the sky were military or civilian and the start of WW3.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

More sketchbook examples...

......this time with medal ribbons, cast medal bars, bullets, i.d discs, latex and silver leaf